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Giigs.us > Make Money > Virtual Customer Service Jobs
By Michael Wong | January 3, 2022.
- NTI At Home is a non-profit organization that places Americans with disabilities in work-at-home jobs, of which 85% are for customer service agents for federal agencies or commercial companies operating telephone call centers.
- Depending upon the organization you might be:
- accepting orders for federal publications
- answering questions about store products
- handling billing questions for a cell phone company
- providing technical support for Internet service providers
- 15% of the jobs NTI At Home develops are in quality control monitoring, government survey work, business-to-business telemarketing, or miscellaneous areas.
- Benefits:
- Most jobs start at $9 to $10 per hour.
- Jobs that require special skills or supervisory experience may pay $11 to $15 per hour.
- Some government and full time jobs include health coverage, paid vacation, and retirement plan.
- Free training online from home, for 4 to 6 hours per day, for up to 6 weeks, as part of a group of 8 to 15 trainees preparing for the same job.
- Requirements:
- You either receive Social Security disability benefits, or are a client of your state's vocational rehabilitation agency.
- You have either a VR (Vocational Rehabilitation) counselor or a Ticket to Work.
- You must provide verification of your chronic medical condition and/or disability from either a VR counselor (preferred and sometimes required) or a physician - unless you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits from the Social Security Administration.
- Clear speaking voice.
- Comfortable using a computer.
- Type a minimum of 20 words per minute.
- Have a prior work history (even if you have not held a job for several years).
- Work at least 20 hours per week (most clients require 25 to 30 hours per week).
- Criminal background check (sometimes credit check, fingerprinting, and/or drug screening).
- NTI At Home provide free virtual classes through NTI University to prepare candidates for their work-at-home jobs.
- NTI At Home do not charge fees to people with disabilities. They receive funding from state vocational rehabilitation agencies and payments under Social Security's Ticket to Work program.
- Employees: 501+ (est. 1995) (http://c1ick.us/nti-lkd)
- Minimum age: 18+
- Countries: USA
- Free to join: Yes